Not April Fool’s this time

It’s official.

I’m pregnant.


I’ve joked about this for years. I know it’s sadistic, but it cracked me up to tell people I was pregnant, wait a few seconds, and then say, “Just kidding!”

Last year on April 1st, I found a maroon crayon at work and tried to color in the “pregnant” dot on a pregnancy test (I worked for a physician at the time).

I thought about waiting a few weeks, thinking this would be the BEST April Fool’s joke ever, but decided against it.

Because it’s totally true. Very real. Miraculous. Breathtaking.

And I am seriously grateful.

Do we have a financial plan in place? Absolutely not. Did this happen according to our agenda? No way. Are there moments when I feel completely overwhelmed? For sure. Have I read all the scientific studies regarding pregnancy and child rearing? Not quite. Do I dread delivering a baby after witnessing this incident multiple times and thinking the poor woman doing the delivering was going to die? You better believe it. I’m a bit tokophobic.

But those aren’t the emotional places I want to dwell in. I’d rather think about the tiny miracle inside me, thank God for it, and celebrate it with the man I’ll be spending the rest of my life with.

Life is good.

Just let it be.

19 thoughts on “Not April Fool’s this time

    1. bethany says:

      Thank you Denise! I was just thinking of you this morning and how helpful you’ve been to me. Love you lots and hope you have a great week, and hope all your family’s doing well!


  1. Karen says:

    I completely understand. If you need to talk to someone who has been through it, call me. A wonderful surprise that will absolutely change your life. XO


    1. bethany says:

      Thanks Karen! I will definitely call you to cry if necessary :). I am very excited–of course, the control freak part of me would like to have already planned out ten million unplanned elements of this, but that’s ok :).


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